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Kevin O’Leary: Speaks French, is Pro-Choice, Wants to Legalize Weed

Kevin O’Leary surprised us with a host of Liberal positions and French skills during a Conservative leadership debate yesterday in Montreal. The divisive businessman and reality TV show star, who’s relishing the chance the fight “surfer dude” Justin Trudeau in the next federal election, read his opening statement in French to loud

Watch These Canadians Try (and Fail) to Pass a Grade 5 French Test

When I moved to Canada and saw both English and Francais written on signs, boxes of cereal, and bottles of shampoo, it was the first time I had thought about French verbs, tenses and grammar since school. In the early days I actually wondered if perhaps my exposure to French

Montreal Man Initially Denied Hospital Service Because He Spoke English

It’s no surprise that not everyone in Montreal appreciates those who speak English and make very little effort to speak French. A slightly annoyed waiter or shop owner is one thing. Getting denied hospital service is quite another. [ad_bb1] But that’s what happened to Praveen Albuquerque, a Montreal man who

Notable Review: West End’s Left Bank Gets it Right

We recently had the opportunity to join a handful of other Vancouver-based food and lifestyle writers for a night out at the recently opened Left Bank restaurant in the city’s West End. Read on to score the scoop on what makes this new culinary addition a hit in our books.