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It Just Got Even More Expensive to Fly in Canada

Canada’s two biggest airlines have teamed up to make flying even more expensive for Canadians. On Friday, both WestJet and Air Canada introduced increased checked baggage fees. Passengers will now be required to pay $30 instead of $25 to check a bag. Checking a second bag will now cost $50 instead

6 Strong Suggestions on Plane Etiquette

As an avid traveller I have taken my fair share of flights. Whether it’s a quick flight to get to New York or a long haul flight to Beijing or Sydney. Over the years I’ve encountered some great flights (and upgrades) and had some absolutely terrible experiences, adding to the

This All-Natural $40 Jet Lag Cure Could Be Worth Every Penny

There are few things worse in life than dealing with jet lag after a long-haul flight. And anyone who has crossed multiple time zones knows the pain and misery of jet lag. You’re tired when you need to be alert, you can’t fall asleep when you need to — it’s like being