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STFU: What Everyone Keeps Getting Wrong About ‘Free Speech’

In 2013, Phil Robertson, the patriarch of America’s “Duck Dynasty”, gave an interview with GQ Magazine and to the question of, “What, in your mind, is sinful”, had the following to say: “Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that

Hydro One Rehires Man Who Was Fired Over FHITP Outburst at TFC Game

We all remember this guy. It was kind of hard not to. Shawn Simoes wasn’t the one who yelled FHINP into the microphone of CityNews reporter Shauna Hunt, but his subsequent live rant about how it was “fucking amazing” and how he “respected it” was enough to get him fired from

Toronto Reporter Confronts Offensive Group of Men at TFC Game

By now, you may have heard about the vulgar trend that involves people jumping in front of the microphone of female reporters (and also a few token males) and yelling “f**k her right in the p***y.” Classy, right? Well, one Toronto journalist decided to do something about it