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8 Everyday Things That Really Annoy Feminists

It’s 2016 and if the word “feminism” didn’t make people uncomfortable before, it sure does now that the United States elected Trump. I can explain how feminism is simply the belief that women and men should be equal in every aspect of life but you should know this by now.

Lauren Southern of The Rebel Media Confronts Feminists at SlutWalk

First thing’s first: NO ONE is supporting rape. Not us, not Rebel Media, not anyone in our culture. Period. Full stop. The end. And we’re very lucky to live in a country that doesn’t support such a culture. But challenging definitions and making people think critically to consider their social stances

Are You a Feminist? A Notable Breakdown

Confused about feminism? You’re not alone. Far from the days of bra burning and leg-hair growing, feminism seems to have suddenly resurfaced with new perspectives and of course, celebrity spokespeople. If you’re a young professional wondering where you stand on feminism, check out our notable breakdown for help