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Facebook Employees Can Now Take 20 Days to Mourn the Death of a Loved One

Anyone who has ever lost a loved one knows how intensely grief can consume, debilitate and cloud the mind of even the “strongest” of young professionals. In those times, it’s pretty impossible to care about work even you were physically able to concentrate. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg know this all

Facebook Has a Plan to Fight Back Against Fake News

The prevalence of “fake news” has been a major topic in 2016. Fake news comes in all shapes and GIFs and can affect everything from your opinion on kale to the results of a federal election. Facebook, of course, is the primary host of fake news, something the social network

Facebook Could Help You Live Longer – But There’s a Catch

Is the world’s most popular social networking site the secret to longevity? Possibly, but there’s a catch. According to the results of a new study, all those hours you spend endlessly scrolling through your news feed may actually be good for you. “We find that people with more friends online