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Spoiler Alert Etiquette: The Great Debate

Urban Dictionary defines a ‘spoiler’ as “when someone reveals a previously unknown aspect of something which you likely would have rather learned on your own.” We live in a time where people live-tweet on their favourite television shows and Instagram about the latest hit movies, all the while talking openly

6 Strong Suggestions on Plane Etiquette

As an avid traveller I have taken my fair share of flights. Whether it’s a quick flight to get to New York or a long haul flight to Beijing or Sydney. Over the years I’ve encountered some great flights (and upgrades) and had some absolutely terrible experiences, adding to the

This is How You Accept a Compliment Without Feeling Totally Awkward

During my time in high school, I remember one extremely distinguished classmate in my music class. He was an incredibly talented vocalist (we were an arts high school – and yes, it’s just like that Nickelodeon show), incredibly humble and just an all-around down-to-earth guy. After every performance, he would

15 Things to Avoid if You Want to Stay on Your Boss’s Good Side

Many would agree that your reputation is just as important as your ability to perform when it comes to work. No matter how well you do your job, if your boss has a poor opinion of you, it could cost you that good recommendation or big promotion. Here are 15 things

Surviving the Shower: Baby Season Etiquette

No matter how far you are from having kids fill up your two-bedroom condo, you’re probably pretty close with someone who’s almost there. Don’t be caught on the wrong side of a short-fused pregnant woman by following these tips for every guest of the shower