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Canada’s Largest Solar Project Will Begin Construction Next Year

At its core, the ethos of Alberta is built on the idea that “you can’t create jobs without killing the environment.” A new solar energy farm, however, is evidence of the province’s shift towards a more diverse energy sector which is kinder to the planet than the muck currently being

Doug Ford Has Just Given a Big Middle Finger to the Environment

Canada has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to its environmental commitment. And while there are now more Canadians working in ‘green’ jobs than oil & gas, Ontario’s recently elected Progressive Conservative government is doing its best to rewind the province’s renewable energy commitments. Last week,

Western Canada’s Largest Solar Power Farm is Now Open

As we recently covered, there are now more Canadians working in ‘green’ jobs than there are in the oil & gas industry. And while you might expect Alberta to remain a stronghold for the latter, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest the province is cleaning up its act. Case in

Finland and Canada Are Racing to Become the First Country to Ban Coal

Good news for the environment, bad news for parents who want to send their children a message on Christmas morning. Finland plans to be the first country in the world to ban coal. The kind-of-Scandinavian country currently derives 10 per cent of its energy from the pollution-heavy rock and wants

There’s a New Key to Healthy Relationships: Energy

We’ve all come across those people who we just don’t vibe with for one reason or another. And then there are those we connect with immediately, whose calm or positive energy uplift us. When it comes to relationships with friends and significant others, one of the key but often overlooked