
Hilarious Video Shows What Email Would Look Like in Real Life

Hilarious Video Shows What Email Would Look Like in Real Life

Just over a year ago, Tripp and Tyler put together A Conference Call in Real Life.  It now has just shy of 10 million views. Why? Probably because everyone who works in an office (or out of one) knows exactly...
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Google is Finally Letting Businesses Use its Inbox App

The day every business has been waiting for has finally arrived. Google’s beloved mobile email app, Inbox, will be available for business email addresses in the coming months. Finally, an intuitive way to organize your work email on your phone
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Gmail Launches Email Analytics

Wouldn't it be great if you knew the best time of day to send an email if you're looking for a quick reply? Or if you knew which clients you could expect a quick response from vesus waiting half a day? Maybe you want to learn a bit about your own email habits. You know where this is going
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Email Etiquette: Five Tips Before You Hit Send

Email communication is as easy as clicking a button, but this convenience also increases the chances of making a critical, permanent communication error. Don't pretend like you never had a near heart attack after hitting "send." Here's how to hopefully avoid any email miscues
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