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There is Literally No Excuse for Not Knowing How to Vote on October 21

How often have you heard someone righteously declare they don’t vote because they just don’t know enough about the issues or candidates? It would be a wasted vote, they say. Well, guess what? Some other doofus with no idea what’s going on will vote and that’s just only marginally more productive

Poll Reveals Conditions Are Ripe for Trump-Style Leader in Canada

We’re reaching the anything-can-happen stage ahead of the 2019 federal vote. Which is probably reason enough to treat any election polls over the next month or so about as seriously as an election promise. Nevertheless, a recent Ipsos survey reveals a concerning attitude among Canadian voters. Namely, that of populism.

Liberals Promise to Cut Cell Phone and Internet Costs if Re-Elected

Canada’s ruling Liberal government is making a late push for the Millennial vote ahead of October’s federal election. Speaking to reporters yesterday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said “Canadians shouldn’t be paying more for their already very expensive internet and communications services, and that is something we will take into account.” Two