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24-Year-Old Canadian Woman Gets 8 Years for Smuggling 30kg of Cocaine Into Australia

Remember the two Canadian #travelinspo Instagrammers who turned out to be cocaine smugglers? Quick refresher: In August 2016, Isabelle Lagacé, 28, and Melina Roberge, 22, of Quebec, along with 63-year-old André Tamine, were caught with 95 kilograms of cocaine on a cruise ship in Sydney, Australia. It remains the largest cruise ship drug bust

Confessions Of A White Collar Junkie: Week 4

Dear Diary, 27 days clean. I’ve got a very long list of things to do: Call a bankruptcy trustee to see if I have to declare bankruptcy, get my health looked after, go to more meetings and find a place to serve my 30 hours of community service. From my

Confessions Of A White Collar Junkie: Week 3

Dear Diary, 20 days clean today. Great, right? Doesn’t feel that way. In fact it feels worse on some level. Because now I am left with me. The thought of doing things, even things that will benefit me, feels overwhelming. I feel like I’m walking through molasses. Am I depressed?

Confessions Of A White Collar Junkie: Week 2

Dear Diary, 13 days ago I had, what is hopefully, my last hit of drugs. It’s been a tough week though. I want to stay clean more than I want to use, but I am still feeling the effects – well, damage – from my last binge. Takes forever to