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Canadian Cities Might Finally Eventually Allow Drinking in Parks

With the legalization of marijuana looming, some Canadian cities are pondering how to further accelerate society’s march towards the toilet. Just kidding, but seriously: politicians are finally talking about the possibility of allowing people to have a beer in the park. It should be said, of course, that people do

11 Ways to Help You Make it Through a Booze Free January

After the holiday hoopla, countless Canadian young professionals will opt to spend the month of January booze-free. To some, of course, this isn’t an easy mission. But it really doesn’t have to be viewed as a bad thing. Here are 11 tips to remember if you’re attempting not to drink for the next 31 days – starting tomorrow of course

Put Down the Gatorade: Somebody Finally Invented Hangover-Free Alcohol

Remember those good ol’ university days? When Thirsty Thursday wasn’t just a bar special, it was a lifestyle. You could party all weekend, and still somehow manage to pull it together for that 8am lecture on Monday. Nowadays, a late Saturday night usually requires a full-day Sunday recovery session. But

This Temporary Tattoo is the Solution to Your Drinking Problem

It’s not always easy to tell whether you’ve had too much to drink. Is it the onset of numbness in your cheeks? When you start telling your friends that Trump actually has a few decent ideas? When you sing Why Can’t We Be Friends? to your ex’s voicemail? Some people could use someone

Couples Who Drink Together Stay Together, According to Science

Want a better relationship? You may want to sync your drinking habits with your significant other. Science says that couples who drink together stay together. Well, sort of. New research reported in the Journals of Gerontology (Series B) suggests that married couples who have similar drinking habits are happier and more successful in