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What Women (Over 30) Really Want When they Swipe Right

Being a single woman in her thirties is not an easy task; the simple truth is, unfortunately, the majority of good men are already taken. Your biological clock may start ticking as you begin to lose momentum in finding your own prince charming. Visions of being alone forever race about

Why the Holidays Are Awkward AF If You’re “Just Seeing” Someone

With the fresh snow on the ground, the romantic Christmas markets in full effect, and no shortage of mistletoe, the holidays are a pretty sweet time to be in a brand new “thing” with someone. But, while you’re in the “hanging out,” “seeing each other,” or “dating” phase, they can

Why We’re All About Female Empowerment… Until it Comes to ‘That Girl’

As we strive for gender equality, widespread female empowerment and a collective progressive mindset like never before, most females are uniting in a major way. We’re quick to celebrate the success of other women in our extended networks – whether it means the tossing of a “like” to a social media

The 3 Things Nobody Tells You About Dating a Chef

I have never been a foodie. New restaurants were not an excitement for me and I never felt the need to try the greatest and latest trend in food. To be honest, half the time I was preoccupied with being too healthy, eating plain baked chicken and steamed broccoli, while