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Social Distancer Seeks Therapist – Finding Help While Staying Home

After my thousandth time signing off, “stay safe,” finishing up another Zoom meeting, and picking up the 3rd FaceTime from my mother (that day) checking that I had stayed home, I found myself wishing that my therapist had not retired in the fall of last year. And we thought 2019

International Study Says Canada is Most at Risk of a Banking Crisis

While everything may appear to be going swimmingly for the Canadian economy, there could be peril on the horizon. According to early-warning indicators compiled by the Switzerland-based Bank for International Settlements, Canada is one of three economies – including China and Hong Kong – most at risk of a banking

Most Canadians Think Canada Should Be Accepting More Refugees

Before last week, Canada had managed to hide in the shadows of the ongoing refugee crisis. Then came the shocking story of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi, who’s tragic death became a symbol of the unfolding humanitarian disaster when a photo of his lifeless body washed ashore a Turkish beach finally got people to look at