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Avoid these Canadian danger zones if you want to live to see tomorrow

Thompson. North Battleford. Portage la Prairie. Are you scared? Well, you should be, because those are the three most dangerous places in Canada, respectively, according to Maclean’s. The publication used extensive crime data to determine every Canadian city’s Crime Severity Index (CSI). The CSI is essentially the number of Bad Things

Police Charge Woman Who Threw Chair From Balcony Onto Highway in Toronto

It’s amazing what a person will do for attention and a shot at ‘going viral’, as was demonstrated on Saturday when a woman threw a chair from the balcony of a high rise Toronto apartment onto a busy highway below. While the public response was overwhelmingly negative, she attained her

$45,000 Banksy Stolen From Newly Opened Toronto Exhibit

When news first spread that elusive street artist, Banksy, was showing an exhibit in Toronto, tickets sold furiously. The exhibit, “The Art Of Banksy” is not sanctioned by the artist, but instead exhibited by his former agent Steve Lazarides – who also doubles as the show’s curator and publicist. Lazarides first

These Are the Most Dangerous Places in Canada Right Now

Ask most people about Canada’s most dangerous areas, and they’ll probably tell you to avoid Toronto’s Jane and Finch, Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, or Halifax’s Uniacke Square. However, it’s North Battleford, Saskatchewan that they should really warn you about. According to Statistics Canada’s Crime Severity Index (CSI), North Battleford – a city of

Toronto Police: Airbnb is Becoming a Hot Bed for Human Traffickers

Airbnb presents plenty of challenges for the City of Toronto. But there’s one you probably couldn’t have predicted: human trafficking. According to Toronto Police, the popular hippie camper and Montreal castle marketplace is being increasingly used by alleged human traffickers. “We’re seeing an emerging trend with human traffickers using more Airbnbs in the