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#NotableBusiness: Landscaping Company Eden App

With spring upon us (though it may not feel like it, lookin’ at you, single-digit temperatures), lawncare might be on your mind if you’re among one of the lucky ones to own property in and around the GTA. Eden app is a landscaping company that has had to make some

Trudeau will give students a $1,250/month income during COVID-19

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau yesterday announced a new $9 billion package aimed at supporting young people during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The standout provision is $1,250 a month for students and recent graduates. That amount increases to $1,750 a month for students with a disability or who are taking

#NotableBusiness: Somun Superstar

Restaurants are feeling the pandemic pretty hard. For those lucky enough to remain open, they have had to get creative in adapting their business to meeting the needs of consumers living in self-isolation. We spoke with Toronto favourite, Somun Superstar, to learn more about how they’re staying positive and finding

Canada ranks 13th in global COVID-19 safety ranking

If there’s one thing COVID-19 has conclusively revealed, it’s that some countries are simply better prepared to handle a pandemic. A recent study by the Deep Knowledge Group (DKG) aims to quantify this realization. To date, DKG is most notable for having given artificial intelligence a seat on its board.

5 Ways to Show Up On Social Media in the Middle of a Pandemic

So, you’ve spent the last three weeks glued to your Instagram feed. Some of the content you’ve seen has inspired you, some has scared you, and some you could have straight-up done without. Whether you’re an established influencer, manage social media for your company, or have just felt drawn to