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Lockdown Is Lifted…But Will We Ever Be The Same?

Toronto Opens Up Again After Having One Of The Longest Lockdowns In The World. You may have seen the interviews, podcast, or news articles…Joe Rogan recently said it best “ Canada’s f—-d right,” said Rogan. “They’re so locked-down and I don’t understand why they think that’s good.” On June 11th

We Have a Long Way to Go: Indigenous Treatment in Canada

A few weeks ago, I got my first COVID-19 vaccine.  My family and I are Indigenous, meaning we were part of the first phase of vaccine rollout in Ontario. Our vaccines were administered at Auduzhe Mino Nesewinong (“Place of Healthy Breathing”), an Indigenous-led COVID-19 assessment and vaccination clinic.  After getting

#NotablePeople: Co-Owner of Fit Squad Training Jennifer Lau

When a pandemic hits, Jennifer Lau hits back harder.  As co-owner of Fit Squad Training – a Toronto-based personal and group training gym – Jennifer and her team were met with a major pivot this year. We caught up with her to find out how they made lemonade, plus how

Half of Canadians say Covid-19 has worsened their mental health

We’re now almost seven weeks into life under COVID-19. Most of us are living in some sort of quarantine. Many have lost their jobs. No one knows when this will end, or how life will look after. And it’s having a significant impact on mental health. According to a recent

Small Businesses You Can continue To Support During COVID-19

These strange times have hit the businesses in our local neighbourhoods, as social isolation restrictions have continued to tighten. Our community is filled with small, independent, locally owned and operated businesses. That’s what makes Toronto so special, but it is also what makes us particularly vulnerable at times like these.