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6 Easy Last-Minute Costume Ideas For Halloween Procrastinators

Halloween always seems to creep up on us without warning. Although it falls on a Wednesday this year, it is still fun to celebrate the creepiness in style on the weekend, but if you’re anything like me, you may not always be prepared with the perfect costume.Fear not! I’m here

11 Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

It’s 11 o’clock – do you know where your costume is? Probably not since you don’t have one and are reading this. Good thing we have 11 last-minute Halloween costume ideas you can throw together between now and your first blood orange martini tonight

13 Last Minute Halloween Makeup Ideas

Halloween is just one day away, but being a busy young professional woman often leaves you with little to no time to find a costume. Don’t be scared though, ‘cause we’ve put together 13 last-minute makeup ideas to inspire any YP lady who finds herself strapped for time

The Costume Completing Shoe

Though many YPs may state they hate Halloween, we feel they’d warm up to the idea if only they had a better costume. We get it; it’s a lot of pressure and a mild financial investment for one day. So if we’re going to purchase costume items, we’ll do so with pieces that compliment our regular wardrobes and can be worn again. The most financially justifiable Halloween purchase? Footwear