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Crafty Ramen’s DIY kits bring home the Ramen Shop

There were only two things I missed during the height of the pandemic lockdowns: going to the movie theatre and going out for ramen. For movies, I made do with the biggest TV I could find, but ramen remained an elusive experience. Take-out ramen is just not the same; the

Your Go-To Toronto Restaurant Guide in the Time of Coronavirus

In this time of uncertainty, one thing you can be sure of is that Toronto’s best restaurants are making sure that you always have options to eat well, even in the confinements of your own home. Just admit it, although you thought this was the perfect opportunity to finally sharpen

Secrets of the Biz: Chez’s Restaurant

In this latest instalment of our “Secrets of the Biz” series, we caught up with Alexandra Velocci and Chef Mike Bradshaw, co-owners of Chez’s Restaurant in Toronto, to find out how they keep their customers coming back for more and why standing out has been the key to their success. 

7 Toronto Comfort Food Dishes to Get You Through the Winter

On a cold winter’s night, there’s nothing that warms the body and soul quite like comfort food. Lucky for us Torontonians, on those days when we can’t bear the thought of firing up our stoves, there are plenty of restaurants out there that are more than happy to fill our

Science Says You Crave Comfort Food to Cure Loneliness

Grilled cheese. Pizza. Chocolate. Ice Cream. We all have our go-to comfort food. [ad_bb1] And yes, it does make us feel warm and fuzzy inside on those days when we can’t even. But there’s more behind our craving for shameless comfort food than a means to fuel the soul after