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9 Awkward Work Scenarios (and How to Deal With Them)

You love your company, your role, and your day-to-day work responsibilities – for the most part. And if you don’t, here are some tips on what to do about it. But even if you’re lucky enough to have found job satisfaction, that doesn’t excuse you from the occasional office scenario

Harvard Business Review Says This is Why the Best Employees Burn Out

Do you ever feel like your work demands a lot of you? Like, a LOT, a lot? The good news is it probably means you’re one the most valuable and knowledgeable employees at your company. The bad news? You’re also more likely to burn out and quit, according to the latest

11 People You’ll Definitely See At Your Office Holiday Party

With December just around the corner, you’re likely gearing up for your office holiday party, among other festive gatherings. Office holiday celebrations can range from get-togethers at the local Chinese buffet to all-out extravaganzas with gourmet food, an open bar, a DJ, and lots of surprises. But no matter what

6 Types of Coworkers We Have a Love-Hate Relationship With

Sometimes you love them, sometimes you hate them…but mostly, you just love to hate them. Dealing with coworkers is a unique skill that can sometimes require more patience than you have to give. But if you’re looking to climb the corporate food chain you’re going to have to deal with

4 Ways to Build Strong Relationships with Your Coworkers

Building great relationships with your co-workers is one of the easiest ways to ensure success and happiness within your career and at your place of employment. Here are some tips to keep in mind when finding your place in a new job