
Coke, Pepsi and Nestle Will Fight Montreal on its Plan to Ban Plastic Water Bottles

Coke, Pepsi and Nestle Will Fight Montreal on its Plan to Ban Plastic Water Bottles

Not content with banning plastic bags, Montreal is hoping it can ban the use of plastic water bottles too. Coke, Pepsi and Nestle won't be going down without a fight. Montreal is fast becoming a pioneer for environmentally ethical solutions...
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Pepsi Steals the NBA From Coke and Now Dominates North American Sports

Pepsi has expanded its sports empire to all but dominate the field: The beverage giant racked up a major win by announcing today that it has stolen exclusive sponsorship rights from Coca-Cola. PepsiCo now has deals with all four of North America's major sports, including the NFL, NHL, and MLB
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Ekocycle Cube: Jumps on the 3 D Printing Bandwagon

As if the 3-D printing industry needed shaking up, has jumped on the technology with his star power and is bringing Coca-Cola along for the ride. After all, recycling has lost some of its edge since the three R's were the coolest acronym since 'ASL?' on ICQ
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