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Rare cereals? Rare cereals! Get ’em here and only here

Cereal aisle got you bored? CerealBox is here to breathe new life into breakfast. CerealBox connects you, dear Canadians, with the rarest cereal around. We’re talkin’ limited edition, can’t-find-anywhere-else stock – delivered right to your door. Every month, the staff of aficionados will send you a handpicked special cereal along

I swear on my childhood, if this news about Timbits Cereal is true…

Some news leaves you staring emptily at, well, who knows, everything is a blur and thoughts cease to register. This is that type of abyss. Hold onto something tight that’s holding into something tight: Tim Hortons has announced Timbits Cereal. Swear to God, this is real. It exists and will

Cereal-Hating Anti-Gentrification Protesters Attack London Café

Admit it, you’ve sat around with some pals at least once and schemed about this insane concept where, like, people go to this place that only serves cereal. Then you thought better of it a few minutes later and the idea never materialized. Well, two entrepreneurial Irish brothers actually followed through