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Professional Horoscope: Scorpios

There is no denying it — the concept of horoscopes and astrology isn’t for everyone. But with that said, even for the biggest skeptics among us, there is something reassuring (and at times, enlightening) about identifying with predictions that seemingly align with our habits and tendencies, moods, lifestyle, and our professional

Natasha Koifman Shares Her Secrets to Success

You don’t have to be in the industry to know that Natasha Koifman is a pretty big deal in the public relations world. She’s the type of person who seems to know everyone, with a crew of highly influential, change-making friends. Her public relations company, NKPR, works with a well-curated

5 Tools To Help You Self-Start Your Side Hustle

You’ve most likely read an article in the last year categorizing millennials as “lazy” or “unmotivated”. The tide on that thinking has thankfully started to change as research firms conduct studies on millennial workplace preferences and employers come to realize that it’s not laziness, but rather a rejection of post

Professional Horoscope: Libras

There is no denying it — the concept of horoscopes and astrology isn’t for everyone. But with that said, even for the biggest skeptics among us, there is something reassuring (and at times, enlightening) about identifying with predictions that seemingly align with our habits and tendencies, moods, lifestyle, and our professional