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1 in 7 Canadians are boozing more than pre-pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic, among many other things, will be known as the era of double same vowels: Zoom, gloom, and booze. I have no doubt that these examples are related. Much of our social life has existed on a screen, it’s getting us a little down, and so we drink

More Than 1 in 4 Canadians Consider Ditching Meat From Their Diet

Despite what Instagram may have you believe, currently, only 7% of Canadians adhere to a plant-based diet. But the times they are a-changin’, and in the near future we could very well see beef surpass oil in Industries That Once Made Alberta Great. According to a recent study conducted by Insights

Canadians Rank in the Top 10 Globally for Cocaine and Alcohol Use

The numbers don’t lie: Canadians party hard. Perhaps a little too hard. According to the aptly named Global Drug Survey, Canada ranks third in the world in drunkness. More specifically, Canadians are drunk 47 days of the year on average, or about once a week. The most drunk country, meanwhile,

Canadian Drivers Are the Worst in the World for Polluting the Environment

Despite our reputation as a “clean” country, our environmental record is anything but squeaky. According to research from the International Energy Agency (IEA), Canadian drivers emit the most carbon per kilometre driven in the world. The data reveals that Canadian cars produce 206 grams of CO2 per kilometre driven. Energy and environmental

Survey Finds the Only Thing Canadians Are Known for Worldwide is Dying

Ask anyone anywhere what they think of Canadians and the answer that invariably returns is that we are polite. Being polite is the backbone of our nation. It is the reason why we sew Canadian flags onto our backpacks when we travel. It’s what gets us through the winter. It