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Canada drops out of top 10 in latest happiness ranking

Every year, a little something called the World Happiness Report ranks countries based on how stoked their citizens are on life. The report used data from the Gallup World Poll to score countries based on six factors: GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption income. Canada has been a mainstay in

Ontario family uses quarantine to recreate The Simpsons opening

Look, we’re all going a little insane. Some are managing better than others. Like one Ontario family, which used their time in quarantine to create their own version of The Simpsons’ iconic opening sequence. As of writing, the video has been retweeted nearly 7,000 times on Twitter. Check it out:

Canada’s food industry needs us and the government more than ever

Many experts say it will take months and perhaps even years to understand the full impact of COVID-19. Well, early numbers are in – and they’re not good. Especially for the food industry. Restaurants Canada, a not-for-profit association representing the country’s foodservice industry, has published a survey that paints a

Report: Not a single country in the world is prepared enough for a pandemic

The coronavirus outbreak, known as COVID-19, is officially a pandemic. That essentially means the disease has achieved global reach. And how prepared is the world to deal with such a development? According to a report from October 2019 – before the COVID-19 outbreak – not a single country in the

Canada seeks to pass law to make conversion therapy illegal

In February, Calgary became the largest jurisdiction in Canada to ban conversion therapy. We celebrated the news, and then wondered: why hasn’t the practice been outlawed nationwide? The feds are working on it. On Monday, the Canadian government introduced legislation that would make practical and promoting conversion therapy a criminal