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Celebrating National Caesar Day with Legend Dan Aykroyd

Today is National Caesar Day, and we could think of no one better to share a Caesar with than Dan Aykroyd, a magnate in the alcohol industry. Aykroyd knows a thing or two about business. He began his career in show business at the age of 17. Some of you might

16 Must-Try Cocktails for Canada Day

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a nice cold Canadian beer on a hot summer day, but sometimes we need a little cocktail to shake things up. And what better way to celebrate Canada Day than surprising your guests with an all-Canadian cocktail menu? Be patriotic this Canada Day and celebrate

Notable Poll: Who Makes the Best Caesar in Montreal?

Did you know over 350 million Caesar are consumed in Canada annually? To pay tribute to our countries official drink, this week’s poll is all about that clamato and vodka cocktail. So who serves the best in Montreal? Check out our top list and vote away…

9 Caesar Recipes to Spice Up Your Sunday Brunch

Apparently Canadians consume so much Mott’s Clamato cocktail that we could make over 350 million Caesars a year. And to celebrate our love for this bizzare cocktail, we wanted to share our 9 favourite Caesar recipes to spice up your Sunday brunch

The Best Bloody Drink Around: Calgary’s Best Caesars

People in Calgary are a proud bunch, and why wouldn’t we be? We’ve got Nenshi for mayor, the most ambitious food truck program across Canada, and, to top if all off, we invented that spicy little bar drink known as the Caesar. Today we’re giving a shoutout to our favourite cocktail and telling you where to find the best ones in the city