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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Reads and Rates “Mean” Tweets About Himself

This here is a version of Mean Tweets softer than a baby’s cranium. But since the subject is someone of higher significance than, say, David Blaine, it’s worth a share. Below you’ll see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reading “mean” tweets about himself and responding in a polite manner. It was produced

BuzzFeed Canada Posts Ad for Writers Who Are Strictly Not White and Male

The white man has his privilege, to be sure. What he does not have is a choice to be white or a man, which would deem hiring policy based on his race and gender, for example, to be discriminatory. This, it seems, Buzzfeed Canada senior writer and part-time social justice warrior Scaachi

Watch a Makeup Artist Show Three Smokers How They Will Look in 30 Years

What will it take for people to stop smoking? Health statistics don’t seem to work. Neither does seeing how much money is wasted on cigarettes. Or knowing the harm it causes people around you. But perhaps seeing your face turn into a sun-drenched catcher’s mitt in a matter of minutes will open