
Millennials, it’s Time to Break Free of the Busy Trap

Millennials, it’s Time to Break Free of the Busy Trap

I don’t know exactly when it happened, but at some point in my life, I became a ‘yes’ (wo)man. Perhaps an extension of my restless nature, I found myself constantly engaging in new jobs, responsibilities, people, and expectations. Being busy...
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19 Ways to Look Busy With Work While You Slack Off During the Holidays

Since most of us aren’t magic elves, the idea of working really hard during the holiday season does little to boost our festive spirits. But fear not: the Notable Slack Squad is on the case and it’s our job to stay busy so you don’t have to be. Here is a list of crafty techniques for the next few months to help you get a more holiday-friendly work-life balance
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A New Kind of Express Lunch from Market

Even the busiest young professionals now have time for a world-class lunch. So tear yourself away from the desk for 30 minutes and indulge in a proper meal that won’t leave you feeling guilty for wasting time or calories. Call it practical or just a great excuse for a gourmet meal; either way, Express Lunch is here
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20 Signs You May Be the Bad Kind of Busy

During the holiday season especially, when our level of busyness can reach an all-time high, it’s important that we learn to recognize the difference between good (happy and productive) busy, and bad (here comes burnout) busy. Here are some signs that you may be the bad kind of busy
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