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Millennials, it’s Time to Break Free of the Busy Trap

I don’t know exactly when it happened, but at some point in my life, I became a ‘yes’ (wo)man. Perhaps an extension of my restless nature, I found myself constantly engaging in new jobs, responsibilities, people, and expectations. Being busy was a subset of my nature — it stroked my

Why Protein is a Busy Young Professional’s Best Friend

As busy young professionals, we have people to meet, goals to achieve, and the world to change for the better. So it goes without saying that we have to sacrifice a few things along the way when deciding how to best spend our time. Sure, we could do probably do

14 Ingredients Every Young Professional Should Have in Their Kitchen

You’re busy, we’re busy, hell, everyone’s busy. But your local takeout restaurant has started greeting you on a first name basis and knows your order by heart so something’s got to give. Of course you need to eat, but sometimes that means cooking something up with little notice. That doesn’t

Why You Need to Stop Telling Everyone You’re Busy

The last time you asked a young professional (YP) how they were doing you were probably met with the same response. “I’m so busy.” Whereas the go-to answer used to be “I’m fine,” or “I’m good,” “I’m busy” has become the modern reflex. And yes, I am an utter and complete culprit

6 Ways to Date Smart as a Busy Young Professional

For some of us, the more we advance in our careers the more our dating life suffers. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. There’s always time for someone special even if you’re crazy busy with work or focused on your entrepreneurial goals. When your free time is limited,