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This All-Natural $40 Jet Lag Cure Could Be Worth Every Penny

There are few things worse in life than dealing with jet lag after a long-haul flight. And anyone who has crossed multiple time zones knows the pain and misery of jet lag. You’re tired when you need to be alert, you can’t fall asleep when you need to — it’s like being

A Prominent Psychologist Says the Sign of a Great Leader is Being Boring

Forget everything you learned about Machiavellian theory in sociology class. A recent article published by business psychology professor Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Ph.D. in the Harvard Business Review asserts that it is not charisma that makes a great leader, but rather a more muted, humdrum pathos. “Popular writing on leadership emphasizes the role of charisma,

Apple Turns 40: A Chronology of the Company’s Biggest Milestones

Forty years ago, two nerds were brainstorming in a California garage. Little did they know their ideas were about to change the world. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are the original masterminds behind Apple, which has become one of the world’s biggest names in technology. But getting to this point was

Harvard Business Review Reveals the Real Reason Women Leave Companies in Their 30s

It seems to be a common trend for women in their thirties to leave companies. Of course, a long held belief has attributed this to demands for flexibility and family time. But a new study states otherwise. As reported by the Harvard Business Review, a recent International Consortium for Executive Development Research (ICEDR) study reveals