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Toronto is Getting its First Ever Bike & Restaurant Tour This Summer

We just gave you 30 summer events you should be going to in Toronto this year. And it turns out we should have made it 31. ‘Cause during summer in Toronto, foodie events and cycling through the city go together like day-drinking and Trinity Bellwoods Park. So we can say we’re

Enclosed Solar-Powered Tricycles Could Soon Take Over Vancouver Streets

We all want to stay fit and do our bit for the environment – but with a reputation for its rainy climate, Vancouver residents may have be discouraged from riding their bikes. Nobody likes to be wet, after all. Now, VeloMetro has created the “next wave of sustainable personal transportation” in the form of Veemo,

There’s an AirBnB of Cycling in Canada

Move over Bixi (and Bixi competitors), there’s another bike-sharing system that’s making its way into Canada. Enter Spinlister. It’s being described as the AirBnB of cycling, and allows people to list their unused bicycles and search for available ones to rent within a specific area. Users can search bikes by type,