Being Single

5 Truths That Are Keeping You Single

5 Truths That Are Keeping You Single

So I’m going to get really honest with you. I’m sure you’re a great person, and yes, there is (probably) someone out there for you. But if you continue to stay stuck on doing things the way you’ve always done,...
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11 Things You Need to Do Before You Have Kids

Any of your friends with kids will tell you they didn’t realize how much freedom they used to have before their little rascals came along. Apparently kids are kind of a ‘major lifestyle change’. Which is why you need to make sure you’ve lived it up properly before you start popping them out
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Aziz Ansari Nails What it Means to Be Single

Actor and comedian Aziz Ansari painted a bleak picture of singledom on Conan not too long ago that we were reminded of the other evening after a tedious text message exchange. On the plus side, it was hilarious, but what’s sad is that any single young professional (YP) can relate
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