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10 Reasons Why Brunch is the Best Meal Ever Invented

It’s Saturday morning. You’re hungover. You roll over to turn off your alarm clock and curse your best friends for making you agree to a weekend brunch. Stop. You’re going about this all wrong. Brunch is hands down the best meal of the week. Despite its air of class and

New Study Shows Eating Salad is Worse For the Environment Than Bacon

If you’ve ever felt guilty when willpower waned and gone with a side of fries instead of a salad, now is the time to rejoice. Because you my friend, have been saving the planet one greasy fried potato at a time. And your smug (read: skinny) best friend who always chooses

10 of the Most Hilariously Niche Dating Sites You’ve Ever Seen

We all know OkCupid. We’ve all tried Tinder. (Shut up, yes you have.) And maybe the more upmarket among you have even shelled out for But what you may not have realized, is that there are some very niche sites that are helping to hook up singletons – and they can get