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Armani Code Ultimate: The Ultimate Seducer

What makes someone attractive goes well beyond their physical appearance. One must provide memorable experiences that inspire lasting impressions and leave the beholder wanting more – recollections that replay in your mind in the hours and days that follow, that leave you wondering how and when your paths will cross next. There is very much an art of seduction, and it is important to work with what you have in attracting potential lovers and life mates alike

Armani Code Ultimate : Pour une soirée ultime

Une sortie nocturne a quelque chose de particulier et unique, c’est un doux moment d’indulgence, de libération d’inhibitions, au style distinct. Le style va cependant bien au-delà de la mode, il se reflète dans chacun des gestes, de par la préparation pour la soirée, de par son peignoir jusqu’au retour à la maison. Nous nous sommes entretenus avec les experts de chez Armani, afin de connaître les éléments d’un look global ultime d’une soirée en ville

Armani Code Ultimate: The Ultimate Night Out

There’s something special about a night out. It is a time of indulgence, a loosening of inhibitions, and at its core, has a distinct style. Style goes beyond fashion and is reflected in every element of the way you conduct yourself and how you curate your evening from the bathrobe to the ride home. We chatted with the pros at Armani on the elements of an overall ultimate style for a night on the town

The Ultimate Icon – The Giorgio Armani Story

The charming, worldly Italian personality that has shaped the brand to this day has an omnipresent influence on how young professional men dress, impress and, by the end of the night, seduce. Armani’s iconic designs and fragrances have successfully captured everything about Southern Italy’s allure and given us the chance to express it here in our cosmopolitan lifestyles