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Secrets of the Biz – Felony Case

For this “Secrets of the Biz” article we sat down with Andrew Moore, Founder & Designer for Felony Case. Felony Case is luxury protective gear exclusively for iPhones. From their iconic studded case to newer, more exotic covers made with materials like python and lizard, no case ever goes unnoticed. Tell us

Apple Swaps its Gun Emoji for Playful Alternative

Soon, you’ll no longer have the right to bear emoji arms. The next version of Apple’s iPhone and iPad operating system, iOS 10, will see the existing pistol replaced with a green water gun. The gun switch is one of a number of emoji changes announced by the company yesterday.

Apple Wants to Block Your iPhone’s Camera at Concerts and Theatres

You may soon have no other choice but to watch a concert with your own two eyes instead of through a phone. Apple has patented a new technology that disables an iPhone’s ability to take photos and videos via an infrared signal. The technology would stop people from taking footage at

Apple Pay is Now Available at All Five of Canada’s Major Banks

We’ve seen a huge shift in how Canadians pay for things over the past few years. Unless you work in the service industry, you rarely see people with cash. And now it appears that credit and debit cards are going to become less popular as the latest tech innovation pushes