
Résumé de la Séance Découverte avec Geneviève Borne

Résumé de la Séance Découverte avec Geneviève Borne

Bowie. Madonna. Collins. Curieux ? Alors, continuez à lire. Jeudi dernier, le 25 septembre, le Newtown sur ses trois étages au décor stylisé nous accueillait pour une soirée hautement Notable. Les deux niveaux supérieurs du Newtown se sont vite remplis de...
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5 Reasons You Should Have Been at Our Calgary Discovery Sessions

Earlier this week we hosted our most notable Calgary event yet. With a 150 young professionals, full glasses of Apothic wine, and keynote speaker Kaillie Humphries delivering an inspiring speech, this was the best hump day to hit Cowtown all fall
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Neuf conseils de négociation infaillibles

La semaine dernière nous avons parlé de neuf mots clés qui feront de vous un négociateur expert. Mais soyons honnête, sans les principes de base, les mots à eux seuls n’auront aucun impact. Voici donc neuf conseils de négociation infaillibles à ajouter à votre arsenal
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Découvrez neuf mots clés qui feront de vous un expert négociateur

Si vous souhaitez tirer partie de la vie, vous devrez savoir en faire la demande. Mais savoir comment demander est tout aussi important que d’oser ouvrir la bouche. Voici donc neuf mots clés qui vous aideront à devenir un expert négociateur
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Discover 9 Key Words That Will Make You an Expert Negotiator

If you want something in this life, you're going to have to ask for it. But knowing the best way to ask is just as important as opening your mouth in the first place. So here are nine key words that will help you become an expert negotiator
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Discover 4 Books That Will Change Your Life

Though there never seems to be enough time in our crazy young professional lives to catch an episode of House of Cards, let alone read a book, we really should. With the lazy, hazy days of summer fast approaching, here are some books that should be on your list for beach, dock, park or coffee shop reading
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Your Go To Grape Guide: A Primer on Red Wines

Are you one of those people who find themselves strolling through the liquor store completely overwhelmed by what wine to select? We’ve been there and that’s why we are here to help make your wine shopping experience a little bit easier
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Discover the Suits the Boys on Suits are Wearing

Have you ever been distracted from the plotline on 'Suits' by the perfectly tailored suits that Harvey Spector and Mike Ross are sporting? You may have re-evaluated your own professional wardrobe on account of these amazing looks. To uncover just how these men look so stylish, we went straight to the source to discover everything you need to know about the suits on 'Suits'
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Discover Your Hidden Professional Potential

Just as there is a need for a little self-reflection and discovery from time to time in your personal life, there is also a lot you can discover in your professional life that can lead to great things. Here are five key areas that will help you unlock your hidden professional potential
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Your Spring Sipper Has Arrived

Rosé is only meant to be sipped summertime in the South of France? Think again, ladies and gents. Spring has finally decided to show itself, which means patio season has arrived. The only thing you need now is some sunshine, your favourite shades and a chilled glass of wine
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