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SAD: How to Cope When the Gloom Creeps In

Ask An Expert – Seasonal Affective Disorder: When it’s More Than Just “Winter Blues”  As the light of summer sun fades, the days get shorter and many make their daily commute to and from work in the dark. It’s no wonder, then, that the gloom of depression can descend upon

Lockdown Is Lifted…But Will We Ever Be The Same?

Toronto Opens Up Again After Having One Of The Longest Lockdowns In The World. You may have seen the interviews, podcast, or news articles…Joe Rogan recently said it best “ Canada’s f—-d right,” said Rogan. “They’re so locked-down and I don’t understand why they think that’s good.” On June 11th

Is Social Media Glamourizing Mental Illness?

When scrolling through your social media channels, how often do you see mental health buzz words like “depressed” or “anxiety” thrown around casually?  I’m sure the answer is often; it’s become so normalized we don’t even think twice about it! With the 21st century came the emergence of greater mental health

What’s with All the Hype Around Cannabis Oils?

The cannabis craze has taken over our home and native land, making the scent of marijuana a familiar one on city streets and inspiring a new demographic of the “canna-curious.” While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a little freshly rolled flower (especially during the easy, breezy days of summer), cannabis