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Toronto Restaurant Owner Has Bold Answer for Animal Rights Protesters

For weeks, animal rights activists had been protesting outside Toronto’s Antler restaurant. Antler, as the name might suggest, specializes in local seasonal and wild foods, serving up pretty much any animal that calls Canada home. “Murder” and “Animals are not ours to use” were just some of the messages on

San Francisco Becomes the First Global City in North America to Ban Fur Sales

It’s happening; the anti-fur movement is gaining major traction. While the backlash against rocking fur is nothing new (remember the anti-fur red paint throwers back in the 80s and 90s?), it’s become impossible to ignore; now, the first global North American city has passed legal action against the sale of fur. Last

The City of Windsor Has Banned Circus Shows That Feature Animals

Recent years have seen increased calls for Canada to ban circus performances that feature animals. Several petitions have been circulating online, with one directly addressed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that criticized Canada for being behind many other countries in animal rights protection. More than 40 countries around the world

TripAdvisor Will Stop Selling Tickets to Attractions with Wild and Endangered Animals

TripAdvisor, the world’s travel website (check out their beach recommendations here), has made a bold move when it comes to animal rights. The company just banned ticket sales to attractions where human interact with animals of the wild, captive or endangered type. This includes common “bucket list” activities like swimming