Aldo Shoes

Must Buy Shoes on Black Friday

Must Buy Shoes on Black Friday

The year’s biggest shopping day has arrived. On November 27, 2013, expect a whirlwind of super-sales and a sudden need for strategy. Which stores will you hit first? How many times have you bought things for the sake of the...
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Sustainable Shoes: Boardroom to Dance Floor Edition

You know it’s going to be a long one: back-to-back meetings, drinks with clients, dinner, and hitting that new hot spot. The only release? Unleashing that workday frustration on the dance floor
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ALDO Does 'YP Chic' This Spring

Let’s be honest; appearance matters to the urban young professional (YP). At, the style we affectionately refer to as ‘YP Chic’ involves a certain degree of refinement and character, amplified with accessories, colours and, of course, shoes that give subtle nods to both your professional and social personality traits
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From Charity Gala to the Pub: The Perfect Shoe

For young professionals (YPs) across the country, a typical Thursday, Friday or Saturday evening can start early and end late, often filled with multiple events, establishments and even different groups of friends. There isn’t time to rush home to change outfits and footwear for each new door you step through in the course of an evening, so a shoe of versatility is a must
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Vos chaussures sont elles assez cool pour une première date

En règle générale, il n'y a rien de très naturel lors d’une première date. Soyons honnêtes, qu'elle le veuille ou non, l'autre personne vous évalue en entier, de vos manières à table, à votre coiffure jusqu’à vos chaussures. Et vous faites exactement la même chose. Après tout, les chaussures sont importantes lors d’une date, elles peuvent révéler bien des choses sur les traits de personnalité de la personne potentiellement intéressante
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Is Your Footwear Fun Enough for a First Date?

Typically, there is nothing natural about a first date. Let’s be honest, whether they mean to or not, the other person assesses you in everything from your table manners to your hair and shoes. And you do the same. Shoes are important on a date, after all, because they can reveal a lot about the telling personality traits of your potential new love interest
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