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Someone Invented a Coffee Mug That Brews Coffee

We say finally because there can always be a more convenient way to get your caffeine fix.

But for now, it doesn’t get any more convenient than this: a coffee mug that brews coffee all on its own.

All you have to do is set it and forget it.

coffee mug that brews coffee

As if it wasn’t already possible to have coffee anytime, anywhere, the AnyCafe Travel Brewer ensures you’ll always have a fresh brew at your fingertips. The invention is currently in its funding phase on Kickstarter and has so far racked up almost a third of its $75,000 goal.

The contraption can brew any of your favourite blends at just the push of a button and can even reheat its precious contents. All in absolute silence, mind you. Check it out:

The sad news? Shipping won’t commence until October 2017. Who knows what coffee revolution will manifest between now and then?

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