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The Secret to Selling Girl Guide Cookies is to Stand Outside a Pot Shop

An enterprising young Girl Guide (ok, it was her dad’s idea, but still) hit the jackpot on Wednesday when she posted up with her supply of cookies outside an Edmonton cannabis shop.

Should you need a reminder, Wednesday marked the first day of marijuana legalization in Canada.

And we’re not just talking a couple of boxes here. Elina Childs, who is nine years old, showed up with a whole wagon of treats. It didn’t take long for the stoned or about-to-be-stoned shoppers to clear the wagon – all 30 boxes, at $5 each, were sold in just 45 minutes.

“We were going to sell them in the neighbourhood and it’s always been a little slow,” said Seann Childs, Elina’s father. “Elina was actually bit by a dog once. She did a fantastic job and was very polite and everyone was very polite with her.”

He even used the occasion as an opportunity to educate his daughter about what it means for marijuana to be legal in Canada.

“We like to have frank discussions with her, so she understands what it is and take away that mystery behind it,” he said in a separate interview with The Canadian Press. “Just to show her people of all ages and all walks of life are doing this and it’s legal in Canada now, just demystify it for her so it’s not a big deal for her.”

The business formula here? Snacks + high people = profit. Now write that down and start an empire.

Christian Nathler

Christian Nathler is a contributing writer at Notable Life.