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Q&A: This Is What Millennials Really Want in the Workplace

The workplace is changing quicker than playlists for millennials.

Today’s young professionals (YPs) definitely have a different set of demands, expectations, and ideals than our parents did.

Highlighting this, SteadfastBeta, in partnership with MaRS and Tack, spoke with over 100 educated young professionals and tech workers through the SteadfastBeta community. They wanted to know exactly what millennials were looking for in a job and workplace.

The sample included educated 20-to-30-year-olds in tech or professional fields.

All photos courtesy of SteadfastBeta.

Most of the key findings aren’t exactly surprising. For example, most millennials report finding work through social networks (and that networking is critical to finding great work), and care a lot about things like social impact, culture fit, and frequent feedback about performance. Those who want to have a high impact on their company tend to care about four factors in particular: strong culture fit, adopting new technology, social impact, and top-of-market competition.

Not surprisingly, tech is seen as an asset to the work of millennials as opposed to a threat, and great tech work is something we seek out. With that said, most people think coding isn’t necessary for success at work, while a few think its critical. Looking to leave a legacy, millennials are looking to work at companies where we can have a big impact.

A sign of the times, organizational hierarchies don’t matter to us. We also care less about making the most money, opting for happiness instead for a change.

And at the end of the day, still not everyone is thrilled with their jobs.


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