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Oprah Revealed Her Weight Loss Secret – Here’s How We Can All Use it

For nearly 30 years, TV audiences around the world watched Oprah Winfrey struggle with weight gain both on and off the camera.

Unlike many Hollywood stars, Winfrey was never shy when it came to discussing her weight, which fluctuated regularly, especially on her 5’5″ frame. She was always public about the various diets and exercise regimens she’s experimented with.

The daytime talk show queen has recently lost an impressive 30 pounds just in time for summer thanks to one secret weapon: her partner, Stedman Graham.


Winfrey has been an advocate and member of Weight Watchers for years; the 62-year-old shared that weight loss buddy made all the difference during a recent conference call with six other members.

Stedman Graham – Photo: John Kuntz

“He kept asking me what every point was, and I said, ‘Why don’t you just join?'” she said during the call. “For me, it’s so much better when other people are also counting points.”

Over the next few months, the company is launching its new “Better Together” campaign, which encourages members to invite their friends and family on board.

“I’m excited that other people are bringing in their friends and family members because it’s been my philosophy forever, that life is better together,” Winfrey said, adding that she and Graham, 65, helped each other on the plan. “We hold each other accountable.”

So what exactly makes losing weight with a partner so much easier than doing it solo?

With better health as a mutual goal, decisions about what foods to buy and prepare and where to dine out are much easier. Not to mention, you’ll always have someone supporting you and motivating you throughout the journey.

So grab a partner, and consider these seven reasons why getting healthy with a buddy will change your life. 

You Have Your Own Personal Support System
There will be days when you’re tired of eating healthy and would rather go to the dentist to get a filling than work out. This is when your fitness partner will act as your support system to get you motivated, back on track, and to the gym .

You’re in it Together
No matter how much you want to adopt a healthier lifestyle, making those changes on your own can be difficult. Doing them with a friend or your significant other, however, makes it a lot easier. You and your partner can cheer each other on and push each other to make it to that 7am spin class that you promised you wouldn’t miss, or encourage them to finish that extra mile on the treadmill.

Healthy Competition Never Hurts 
Most of us have a competitive side, and healthy competition is a great motivator as it makes you work even harder. If you’re constantly trying to keep up with your partner either at the gym or with your weight loss goals, you’ll feel motivated to push yourself and keep up.

Hold You Accountable 
Anyone who’s been on a diet can vouch that there are always moments of weakness when they’ve ended up blowing off a workout or indulging in late-night junk food. Having someone to hold you accountable and remind you why you embarked on your weight loss journey will force you to drop the two bite brownie you were about to shove into your mouth.

Your Health and Fitness Routine Will Have Variety 
When you constantly work out alone, it’s easy to fall into a rut – either in the gym or with your diet. You’ll beat the boredom when you have a partner because they can help you spice up your old routines. Your partner can recommend new recipes or meal plans or suggest new fitness routines that will keep you feeling challenged and focused.

You Have Someone to Celebrate With
Once you begin to accomplish your healthy living milestones – feeling confident in a bathing suit, running your first 5k, or going down a size (or two) in jeans – you’ll have someone who’s going through the same thing to celebrate with.

Your Partner Will Be There When You Feel Like Giving Up
Setbacks are a major part of losing weight. When these disappointments occur, it’s easier to give up on the spot rather than pushing yourself to work harder. Your partner will be there for all of the good days, but most importantly, during all of the bad as well.


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