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Ontario is Banning Vaping Everywhere Smoking is Prohibited

The Liberal government is tightening its restrictions on vaping by banning e-cigarettes and vaporizers everywhere that regular cigarettes are currently prohibited.

“We have made a determination that smoking, whether it be vaping, medical marijuana, or cigarettes, that there should be restrictions on that,” Premier Kathleen Wynne said Thursday.

“And so the rules will apply to marijuana, to medical marijuana, to vaping as they do to cigarettes.”

The new rule comes months after the government reversed its original province-wide electronic cigarette rules and after implementing an exemption for medical marijuana users.

The new e-cigarette rules were supposed to be implemented January 1st, which would ban their use in enclosed public spaces, workplaces and certain outdoor areas.

But once the public heard of the previous medical marijuana exemption, people began to voice their frustration and the government put the new rules on hold to go back to the drawing board.

The Liberals have been in a constant limbo while deciding how to regulate the popular smoking devices. Hopefully the public can comply with the new rules and a healthier, smoke-free environment can be established.

Currently, smoking is banned province-wide on public patios, at childcare facilities, enclosed workplaces, hospitals, schools, playgrounds, and sports fields. In Toronto, municipal code prohibits smoking within nine meters of an entrance or exit of any building used by the public.


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