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Notable Contest: Canada House Tickets to the RBC Canadian Open

It's no secret that we love golf. So much so, in fact, that we wrote an entire article about why having a golf membership should be an integral part of your young professional arsenal. Building on this advice, allow us to introduce you to our latest notable contest

It’s no secret that we love golf. So much so, in fact, that we wrote an entire article about why having a golf membership should be an integral part of your young professional arsenal. Building on this advice, allow us to introduce you to our latest notable contest: 

The RBC Canadian Open at the elegant Glen Abbey Golf Course is fast approaching (July 22-28), and we want to send you to the green. We’re giving away a pair of Canada House tickets to one lucky winner ($600 value), which will be good for access on Saturday, July 27, or Sunday, July 28, 2013. Consider it the full VIP treatment. To enter, simply tweet us @NotableCA with the message “Send me to the #RBCCO!” The contest will run until this Friday, July 19, until midnight; winners will be contacted the following day, and their name added to will call at Glen Abbey.

Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.