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New Ranking Says Calgary is the World’s 4th Most Liveable City

Ok Calgary, time to look down with impunity on backwater towns like Toronto and Vancouver the way these “world-class” cities do on your city during the 364 days of the year the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) doesn’t publish a World’s Most Liveable City list.

That’s right, according to EIU, Calgary is the fourth-most liveable city in the world. Canada’s third biggest city received perfect scores for stability, health care and education, performed well for infrastructure, and could improve on its culture and environment.

Vancouver finished sixth, followed by Toronto in a two-way tie with Tokyo for seventh.

The top 10 below:

1. Vienna, Austria
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Osaka, Japan
4. Calgary, Canada
5. Sydney, Australia
6. Vancouver, Canada
7. (tie) Toronto, Canada
7. (tie) Tokyo, Japan
9. Copenhagen, Denmark
10. Adelaide, Australia
Perhaps most surprising is that 2018 is the first time in seven years that Melbourne didn’t top the ranking. Vienna’s title, meanwhile, is the city’s first. As you can see, Canada produced the strongest showing, with more cities in the top 10 than all of Europe. By contrast, most global capitals fared pretty poorly – New York in 57th, London in 48th, and Paris in 19th place.
The annual survey evaluated 140 cities based on 30 metrics across five broad categories: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure. As for the least liveable cities, well, let’s just say you might want to avoid places like Damascus and Dhaka.
The 10 least livable cities below:

1. Damascus, Syria
2. Dhaka, Bangladesh
3. Lagos, Nigeria
4. Karachi, Pakistan
5. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
6. Harare, Zimbabwe
7. Tripoli, Libya
8. Douala, Cameroon
9. Algiers, Algeria
10. Dakar, Senegal

Christian Nathler

Christian Nathler is a contributing writer at Notable Life.