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Natasha Lawrence: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today's Notable Young Entrepreneur is The Strategy Founder Natasha Lawrence, who talks to the some of the world's biggest leaders in fashion to essentially find out one thing: Why are you wearing that?

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is The Strategy Founder Natasha Lawrence, who talks to the some of the world’s biggest leaders in fashion to essentially find out one thing: Why are you wearing that?…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your business in a nutshell.
The concept behind the website is as follows: Nature vs. Nurture. Are we born with an innate sense of style? Or is it a direct outcome of our upbringing, friendships, lifestyle and income bracket? At The Strategy we want to know: Why are you wearing that

Is it other people who inspire you? Or is it all the minute details of everyday life? Through a short Q&A and personal day-in-the-life photos, we hope to give our readers the answers behind today’s fashion muses, bloggers, journalists, designers and trendsetters.

Why did you start your business, what was the inspiration?
I started The Strategy because I felt there was something missing for me in the world of online fashion. We can see into everyone’s closets, beauty cabinets and shopping bags, but I wanted to know what were people seeing, hearing, and experiencing in their everyday lives that made them dress the way that they do. So, I decided to fill that niche with my own website, The Strategy.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
The best part of what I do is that I get to learn so many styling tips and tricks from people all around the world. The most challenging part is trying not to buy everything I source from our “Picks” section!

Where do you see your business going in 5 years?
Oh, five years seems so far away! I would like The Strategy to expand, globally, in the next five years. Additionally, we have a concept for a retail location that may come into play.

What does success look like to you? You know how everyone has their list of “go-to” sites?
Success would be The Strategy becoming a bookmarked site that people automatically click on first thing in the morning.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
The most memorable milestone in my career so far has been The Strategy’s launch dinner. It was incredible to see so many people come and out and support us!

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Internships are a necessary evil. You cannot gain the experience needed any other way.

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
Animal rights are very important to me. Two charities I support are The World Wildlife Fund and Marineland Animal Defence. Marine animals aren’t meant to be in captivity, and Marineland in Niagara is a prime example of why not.

What is Notable to you?
Notable to me is people who are willing to take risks and do what they love instead of living by conventional standards.

Blackberry, iPhone, Android, or Other?
iPhone. I cannot live without my iPhone.

How do you keep active, energetic, and vibrant?
I own a very energetic dog, so he definitely keeps me active! I try to treat each weekend like a vacation and I try to travel as much as possible.


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