Montreal is Currently the Jobless Capital of Canada…But There’s Hope

Oh mon dieu.

Bad news for young professional in Montreal seeking or hoping for some big career moves. According to Statistics Canada, the jobless rate in the Montreal metropolitan area is 8.9 per cent, quite a bit higher than the 6.8 per cent Canadian average.

So what is causing a major business capital to hit numbers like this?

Some are blaming taxes and provincial politics, while others have stated that demographics are playing a large part with the metro population now outpacing available jobs.

But hold off on hitting the panic button just yet – Quebec created nearly 20,000 jobs last month, meaning things could be looking up in the last quarter of 2015 and even moving forward into 2016. There just needs to be more focus on driving young professionals back to Montreal…and keeping them there.

We want to hear from you and your experience. What do you think is causing these numbers and do you see things getting better or worse in Montreal’s future? Share your thoughts with us on our Notable Facebook page.
