How to Stay Focused in the Summer

The lazy, hazy days of summer are officially upon us. Summer marks the one time of year when the hectic pace of the corporate world slows down a bit, summer hours ensue, patio invites are plentiful and vacation time is eagerly scheduled. Most young professionals will tell you that it is more of a challenge to stay focused in July and August than the rest of the year on their career and workout regime alike. The irony is that most YPs are actually in better shape in the winter because there is simply less to do (so we hit the gym) and, holidays aside, we typically indulge more in the summer, with its offerings of BBQs, beer and ice cream. Here are a few ways to stay focused in the summer on your job and body alike.

Set Weekly Goals for Yourself
We advocate setting short-term goals year-round, but especially in the summer. Prioritize what needs to be done by the end of the week and make a master list of tasks. Instead of making mental notes of these things, write them down and check them off as tasks are completed. In addition to a weekly master list, create a daily to-do list that includes the 3-5 most important tasks of the day. Once these are completed, tackle the next three. The satisfaction you feel from crossing things off can be rewarded with that after work drink or leaving a little early on Friday.

Wake Up Earlier
It is no surprise that YPs are out and about after work more often in the summer than in the winter. The warm weather brings even the biggest homebodies out of the woodwork to enjoy a cold beverage on a patio, not to mention there are more events happening in the city. Try waking up an hour earlier in the summer – a much easier task than in the winter when it is still dark and -15 degrees. That way you can get your workout out of the way in the morning or get to the office before everyone else to get a head start on your day, allowing for guilt-free plan-making at the end of the day for the evening.

Get Outside During the Work Day
It may be easy to lose productivity when you stare out the window, watching others enjoy the warm, sunny day and wishing you could do the same. You may grow resentful of having to sit at your desk or feel restless being indoors. Make a point to schedule some time outdoors into your work day, like a walk on your lunch break or a client meeting on a patio. The prospect of outdoor time will make heading into the office that much easier.

Schedule Fitness Commitments
Having commitments to after-work tennis matches, running dates or rounds of golf will ensure that you are not tempted with the prospect of the after-work patio drinks and provide a productive way to enjoy the outdoors and the weather. It may not be too late to join a soccer, dodge ball or baseball team. Plus, it provides a fun way to socialize and get into shape at the same time.

Make the Most of Your Weekends
You won’t feel as restless and cooped up at the office if you make the most of your weekends. After all, we only have eight this July and August so we may as well make the most of them.  Instead of partying until all hours of the night on Friday and Saturday nights and wasting most of the morning sleeping in, take advantage of the summer even if you are stuck in the city. If you need to get that partying out of your system, make it a daytime BBQ. Take a long walk or jog, pack a cooler and head to the beach, or splurge on a day poolside at a hotel pool. 

Plan a Vacation
Not only do you probably deserve it, but people are expected to take time off during the summer months. Whether it is a European vacation or a week spent at the cottage, a vacation early in the summer will rejuvenate and provide a needed break from the work world; and one later in the summer will give you something to look forward to for all those beautiful days spent at your desk. 

Before we know it, these precious months will be over and Labour Day weekend will be upon us. Let’s be honest: the real start of the New Year is and always has been the first Tuesday after Labour Day. Make the most of it!