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Harvey Weinstein Was Arrested But What Does it Mean?

Last week fallen movie producer Harvey Weinstein was arrested and led into Manhattan Criminal Court to face criminal charges. It was 10 minutes of glory after years of disappointment.

Weinstein was charged with an alleged rape and a criminal sex act by two separate women though many others have come forward with heinous tales of his misbehaviour. He is already out on bail (after paying $1 million of his $10 million bond) and is rumoured to plead not guilty. But what we can confirm is that the image of Harvey Weinstein being marched into the courthouse – as a perp in handcuffs – will forever act as a symbol of hope for the women he took advantage of and be a moment in time where he completely lost his position of power.

As a man who clearly prided himself on using his influence to instill fear in countless women, I wish I had an idea of what was running through his mind, as he stood stoic and silent in that court house. I asked myself if it was the first time in a long time that he didn’t feel in control. Maybe he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this way. I hope that was the case and I hope that he was afraid. Just as afraid as he once made others feels for his own personal gain – because let’s be real, none of this was about bettering his professional organization.

Weinstein was forced to surrender his passport, wear a monitoring device and restrict his travel to New York and Connecticut, which doesn’t sound half bad, trust me I know. But you need to remind yourself that this was a man who was living life believing he could access and indulge in whatever and whoever he wanted. He will not be happy. The $1 million cash bail is likely pocket change for the seasoned producer, though it’s a sign of what’s to come. Bleeding pockets in lawyer fees, money losses from his company and what I believe is just the tipping point of accusations by women who finally feel empowered to speak up.

As we watch this chapter unfold, the public who stand behind these accusers and the accusers themselves may not get the outcome they were looking for. Weinstein’s lawyer is pushing for dismissal and house arrest in Arizona. It hardly seems fair. But by standing firm and putting this walking human feces on public display, they’ve already achieved what is likely to sting the most for Weinstein. The loss of control. Control of his time. Control of his narrative. Control of his network. From the embarrassment of his actions to his peers, to not being able to lurk in the shadows while doing his dirty work. Simply put, they have taken his power and put it on display. And he can no longer hide from the reality of his actions. And neither can anyone else.

So is it satisfying? Yes to a degree. We will have to see how the rest plays out. But beyond seeking retribution, this moment means so much more going forward. This is a new chapter. The women involved in this case will be writing the narrative now on their own terms. They are in control. And for Harvey Weinstein, these 10 minutes are about to be the longest of his life.

Alexandra Nikolajev

Lex Niko is a Toronto-based digital content creator and writer covering everything from celebrity news to the best beauty finds. You can find her at and @lexniko.