Google Has Created a Map of Canada’s Tobogganing Hills

Not too long ago we gave you a pretty in-depth rundown of Toronto’s best tobogganing hills.

Never a company to be outdone, Google has one-upped the tobogganing listings scene by creating a map that highlghts the best spots for sleighs nationwide. 

And it’s fantastic. 

From a plateau between two steeper parts of the slope in Parc Hervé-Desjardins, Nominingue, to a steep descent that requires navigating over a small ravine somewhere in isolated Northern B.C., it features the perfect hill for you from coast to coast. 

The map currently features over 200 dashing declines, and can be edited by the public. You’ll even find tips about the best runs and a few precautions: “Parking is limited and fills up fast.” One thing missing? Info about whether or not your city of choice has enacted one of those insane tobogganing bans

Welcome to the world of crowd curation for winter activities.


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