Fashion Tips for Young Professionals

Countless surveys have shown that how we dress can mean better pay, better career opportunities, and a better social life, simply because we are perceived by others to be more confident, intelligent, friendly, and competent. Most YPs will make a concerted effort to look their best when meeting a new colleague or on a first date, but may be less inclined to do so once they get to know someone. However, it is important to continue to put your best foot forward: promotions go to the YP who portrays confidence and style, rather than the equally qualified but less put together candidate, and personal relationships can lose their spark when one partner’s appearance changes drastically. If you haven’t got a clue about how to pull your personal and professional style together, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get started:

Find your personal style
Finding your personal style means honestly answering the question, ‘what clothing makes me feel comfortable, confident, professional, and attractive?’ Although your wardrobe might be filled with items purchased because you thought that is what your age group or industry says you should be wearing, do you actually wear these items? What outfits do you tend to wear most often? This will give you clues about your personal style and a starting point for finding items that match your style with your professional and personal needs.

Don’t be a slave to fashion
When you are a slave to fashion, you are buying into every trend that might be featured on daily fashion blogs or in fashion magazines, whether or not it suits you. Not only are many trends fleeting, but they fuel a disposable, inexpensive clothing industry that encourages a consume-and-dispose culture that is overwhelming charities and landfills around the globe.

Choose quality
Quality garments are those that are made from durable fabrics (e.g., linen, wool, silk, cotton) and with impeccable construction (e.g., reinforced seams, linings) are critical in helping you look your polished and professional, even when your style tends to be more casual. Although a high price tag is not always the mark of quality, you should expect to pay more for a well-made item. If you are on a limited budget, get to know your city’s consignment stores and invest in those items that will tie together a number of different outfits. 

Get to know your tailor
Unless all of your clothing is made to measure, there’s a good chance that you can benefit from the services of a great tailor. Although we typically think of having dresses and suits professionally altered, other items like jeans and dress shirts can be tailored to fit your body. When you wear an outfit that doesn’t pull, bunch up, fall down, or cut off circulation, you will instantly look and feel better.

Read, learn, and be inspired
There are a number of general and industry-specific websites and blogs that are replete with fashion tips, advice, and inspiration. Among our favourites are Professionality (for men and women), Corporette (for women lawyers, bankers, MBAs, consultants), and Simple Guy Style (casual wear for men). 

Hire a stylist
Still feeling completely lost? You might want to consider enlisting the help of a stylist. A good stylist can help you figure out your personal style, analyze and rebuild your wardrobe, identify items and style that suit your body type, and more. If you hate shopping (we know you are out there!), many will also do the dirty work for you.